Debt Reduction Computer Program Getting out of debt is typically the best investment you can make.  It may produce double-digit returns by reducing the amount of interest paid and the time it takes to get out of debt.  The PowerPay© computer analysis can help you chart a course for debt free reduction.
How does the PowerPay© computer analysis program work?

  • This program requires commitment to stop borrowing and charging until current debts are paid off.
  • As soon as one debt is paid off, you apply the monthly payments from that debt to the next highest interest rate debt.
  • These payments are called power payments.  The total monthly payment is not increased--only the distribution of payments changes.
You can...
  • Look at savings in interest costs and months to repay on loans, credit cards, and other debt.
  • See impact of adding a little extra to the total monthly payments.
  • Calculate savings from making a lump sum payment at a specified future date.


How do I get started?   On-line:  Enter your information and compute the results yourself.
Do not include bills you regularly pay in full each month.  If you don't know the balance owed, contact your creditor.  The phone number and address is on the payment slip you return with your payment.  Many creditors also have toll-free numbers.


PowerPay Worksheet Credit Information: Use this worksheet to record the creditor name, remaining balance on your loans, payment amount, and the interest rate. Filling out before you to to the Web site will save you time.